
Digestate - Press water - Liquid manure

Digestate from biogas production can be used as fertilizer through drying.

In dry fermentation, kitchen waste and garden cuttings are processed into biogas. The digestate is then mechanically separated into solid digestate and press water.

In wet fermentation, manure and biomass are processed into biogas. These fermentation residues are separated into solid and liquid fermentation residues.

The liquid digestate can be processed into fertilizer granules or fertilizer pellets in the ecoFertilizer factory (eFF), while press water and liquid manure become fertilizer pellets by drying in the eFF.

The solid fermentation residues contain significantly fewer nutrients than the press water or liquid fermentation residues. Nevertheless, it can be worthwhile, especially for large quantities, to dry them in our ecoDry drum dryer and use them, for example, to improve soil structure.